Charisma Bower Vine - Monrovia
Vigorous twining branches hold unique, glossy bright green, variegated foliage with creamy, irregular margins, creating the perfect background for the lovely trumpet-shaped blooms. Each flower features soft pink-flushed petals with a deep rose-purple throat. Excellent for covering an unsightly wall or fence. Thrives in warm coastal regions. Evergreen.
Mature Height: 25 feet
Light: Full Sun
AttractsButterflies, BirdsEvergreen or DeciduousEvergreenFamily NameBower VineBloom TimeSummerFoliage ColorVariegatedGenus NamePandoreaGrowth RateFastHardiness Zone9Landscape UsesContainer, Espalier, Massing, Screening, Urban GardenLight NeedsFull SunMature Height25 feetPrune TimePrune After FloweringWater NeedsAverage to MoistWaterwise0
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Essentials for Success
For flourishing plants, use potting soil for potted plants or planting mix for garden beds paired with Root Zone starter fertilizer is the perfect duo to foster robust root growth and minimize transplant shock.